- Working hour of the Office’s employee- 100 zł.
- Working hour of the Office’s Management Board- 200 zł.
- Fixed inventories and inventories administered by tax bodies for items – 1,5 zł/item.
- Annual closing of revenue and expense ledger- 100 zł.
- Filling in annual declarations and tax information:
PIT 11 – 25 zł,
PIT 40, – 30 zł
PIT 27, 28, 37 (without deductions) – 35 zł,
PIT 36 (without deductions)- 50 zł,
PIT 37 (without deductions)- 60 zł,
remaining forms (for example IFT1, NIP 3, GUS, NBP) – 30 zł. - Issuing documents for employees (in companies that do not pay a flat rate fee for servicing employees):
work contracts and work certificates – 25 zł,
other declarations- 20 zł. - Adjustments to declarations due to the Client’s fault- 30 zł.
- Preparation of documents to offices and institutions for the Client, if the need for such a document does not result from the Agreement’s scope – 50 zł.
- Filling in documents of NIP 1 and NIP 2 type after amendments carried out by the Client – 50 zł.
- Submission and collection of a request for a tax clearance certificate – 100 zł.
- Submission and collection of a request for a clearance certificate from the Social Insurance Institution – 100 zł.
- Arranging other issues in offices, such as NIP, REGON – 100 zł.
- Scanning or copying documents and declarations at the request of the Client or authorised institutions – 1,5 zł/item.
- Destroying documents – 150 zł/m
- Storing (archiving) documents after a year closing – 30 zł/m
- A set of fees connected with registering a new business entity and obtaining appropriate certificates, i.e. Industry Id. No. (REGON), NIP (Tax. Id. No.) – 250 zł.
- Sending postal correspondence to the Client or on behalf of the Client- 10 zł.
Periodic servicesPXadamFK2023-01-04T04:51:20+01:00